Diagnostics Service

As a challenge to serve the humanity, we diversified into the business of diagnostics and Wellness. To add feather in the cap and to improve healthcare, Being-Well India and Metropolis Healthcare has set up a state-of-the-art diagnostic Centre offering superior diagnostic tests and services. These tests and profiles are used for prediction, early detection, diagnostic screening, confirmation and/or monitoring of the disease. Metropolis plays a pivotal role in raising the bar of diagnostic accuracy, technological equipment, customer experience and research-driven empathetic service in the industry. Metropolis plays a pivotal role in raising the bar of diagnostic accuracy, technological equipment, customer experience and research-driven empathetic service in the industry.

Our Services

Metropolis is a global leader in Blood Tests, Diagnostics and Wellness services. With operations across India, Africa, South Asia, and Middle East, we are trusted millions of Customers for their Inner Health Management


Quality Assurance​

Metropolis guarantees quality assurance system enabling a process oriented approach to ensure quality testing through use of standard operating procedures, management of documents and records, implementation of quality control, external quality assessment (including proficiency testing) and robust internal audits. Their quality assurance system covers the entire value chain of our laboratory operations. Besides core laboratory operations and front-end services, the quality assurance system extends to physical infrastructure, procedures for purchase and inventory management, equipment maintenance, customer service, human resource management and process improvement.

For further information, Contact Us
For further details visit Metropolis Website.
Email: mhlsrinagar@metropolisindia.com